Family constellation
An introductory workshop led by Or Gilat
Thursday | 30.3.23 | 18:00-21:00 | Haifa
Hello, my name is Or, and I have been an emotional therapist for 17 years.
In recent years, my experience with the family and systemic constellation method has deepened. This method is special in the possibility of starting stuck processes, sometimes in a single session, and providing surprising relief in issues that seemed complicated and complex. Following the curiosity, questions and requests to understand and experience the method, I invite you to a practical introductory workshop.
The constellation method sees the source of our challenges and difficulties in the family and social systems into which we were born. Principles such as 'intergenerational transmission' and 'collective subconscious' allow each of us to connect to these systems and enable flow in the present, in our lives - complicated problems are illuminated in a different light and difficulties that seemed complex are alleviated.
The experience of participating in a constellation is surprising (and in the workshop you will see why) and accurate, and shows us how much we are all part of one system.
The family and systemic constellation is currently used worldwide in the fields of individual, couple and group therapy, organizational counseling, teaching and even as part of legal and justice systems.
You and I are invited to the workshop where we will touch on the principles of the constellation and experience the work itself.
We will meet at 5 Sirkin Street in Haifa,
Thursday, 30.3.23, at 18:00 to 21:00.
Thursday | 30.3.23
A place for singing, Sirkin 5, Haifa
150 NIS
Registration required (the number of places is limited)

You discovered light
Constellation guide on behalf of the school through Constellation. Naturopath, herbalist and shiatsu therapist. accompanies deep emotional processes bClinics in Haifa and Tel Aviv.